21 Things.

If you've been tracking me on social media, you'll have noticed that I turned 21 on the 17th of May so decided to compile a post of 21 things that I've learned! And trust me, these are all life changing and in no particular order...

  1. Bring tissues everywhere. It's not something you want to risk not having.
  2. A new fluffy dressing gown is pretty much life changing.
  3. Wash your bedding every two weeks.
  4. Wash your towel every week, especially if you shower daily.
  5. Fabric softener will change your life. Lenor fabric conditioner smells the best and the scent lasts the longest.
  6. Don't buy cheap workout leggings. They're rarely squat proof. Spend money on leggings, save on the tops.
  7. Matching underwear is always an essential.
  8. If you can't afford to buy new furniture but fancy a change, cover your old furniture in sticky back plastic. It peels off like a charm but works really well.
  9. Exercising regularly is life changing.
  10. Do everything for you. 
  11. It's okay to work hard.
  12. It's okay to take a break.
  13. Don't do everything for money, sometimes the experience & contacts are worth it. 
  14. Life's too short not to have a cheat day. Eat. The. Burger.
  15. Life's too short not to watch what you eat. Also have a salad.
  16. Plants need to be watered.
  17. Fairy lights make pretty much every room 100 times more cosy and pretty.
  18. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. It's often worth it.
  19. Sometimes all you need is to listen to cheesy pop music.
  20. Baskets organise everything. Put everything in a basket.
  21. Buy that damn mascara.
Ellie Dickinsonbeauty