The Fab Five: One Direction for Vogue UK

One Direction, the band that has brought five British boys to global fame following their second place win in the X Factor. The teen pop sensation is now the first British Band to reach stardom in the USA and the UK. However, they have been featured in the latest Vogue UK. Although they do look like the teenage heart throbs that they are, I'm not sure that they are worthy of being featured in Vogue of all places! They really should stay in the pages of TeenPop and Sugarscape. The oh so cheesy spread may have been included to encourage the younger generation to buy Vogue but I really can't understand why the marketing department would want to change their audience dynamic? I must say that I was relieved that they didn't cover the magazine, I would have lost all hope if they had.

Enough with the negativity, they do all look incredibly handsome in the shoot, looking far more mature than they did in the X Factor. The black and white filter on the images does add a classy side to the otherwise fun loving band members. I do like how the magazine hasn't made all the shots too serious with the jumping one still being fun!
What do you think? Do they belong in the pages of Vogue or should they remain in Top of the Pops?