Life of EllieGrace as a Whole.

Hello lovely readers, I hope you're all doing well!

This post is a bit of an administration one I'm afraid, but it needed to be done. For a long time, I'd been struggling with the identity of this blog - was it a fashion blog, was it a beauty blog, was it a lifestyle blog, or was it none of them at all. But truth be told, when I started this blog, I called it 'Life of EllieGrace' for a reason, because it was about my life and therefore gave me the freedom to post as I please.

But from now on, it will be more regular, there will be more outfit posts, but there will also be more cooking and beauty posts.

So this post is a bit of a housekeeping one - just to let my readers know what's happening in my head at the moment and to explain why I've had a theme revamp and why I've been posting less than I would like.

Feel free to follow me on my various social networks as I'll be posting on them about any thoughts that may enter my head regarding this blog.

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Ellie Dickinson