Spotlight on Winter Shoes

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When the weather cools down, the first thing a lot of people think about is getting new coats. How can we not? With celebrities like Amanda Seyfried making an oversized puffer look understatedly chic, the winter fashion bug catches us all and we can’t wait to create quirky, layered looks. But what most of us forget about is one of the most important parts of winter fashion: The shoes! Marilyn Monroe said it best: ‘Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.’ And there isn’t a statement much more accurate than that. The right pair of shoes can do wonders for a woman’s confidence, and we all know that confidence is one of the biggest factors of success. With that being said, it would be crazy not to get as excited about winter shoes as we do winter coats! After all, I don’t recall any celebrities saying that a woman can conquer the world with the right coat.

For ultimate confidence this winter, look no further than your feet. With the following four footwear options to choose from this season, there’s no reason not to feel like you can conquer the world.

1. Party Heels

These leg-lengthening shoes that sparkle in all angles are a must-have for the holiday season. With glitz and glam taking precedent during this time of year, it’s essential you have a stunning pair of eye-catching heels to wear to your holiday party. If you were waiting for an appropriate time to wear shiny shoes, the time is now! And red is always a great alternative if sparkle isn't your thing.

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2. Tall Boots

Say goodbye to mid-calf styles and give your legs an extra layer of warmth with chic, tall boots. No matter your personal preference, you can find these types of boots in either heeled or flat styles. If you’re really a trendsetter, keep an eye out for sexy lace-up pairs—these styles are unique and bold. Tall boots are the perfect way to make a stylish statement without trying too hard.

3. Mountain Boots

One of the biggest trends in footwear this winter is luckily a practical one (finally!). According to Refinery29, the rugged mountain boot is back from the trails and on all the trendy store mannequins. Welcome this fashion-meets-function moment with a pair of your own unassuming pair. You’ll be thankful when you need to trudge through the sludge.

4. Trainers

Although athleisure is on its way out, stylish trainers are in their own realm of fashion novelty. Like the mountain boot, trainers are also practical, so they’re hard to hate when the going gets rough and the weather gets even colder. A pair of sneakers in a fun colour like teal is a great way to add intrigue to an otherwise plain errand-running outfit. If minimalistic is more your style, there are neutral leather styles that ooze class. Bonus points: Trainers are equally casual and cool.

Ellie Dickinson