Honey and its Wonders on Your Skin


The various use of raw honey has been documented for as long as 4,000 years ago and has remained popular to this day. Considered as one of the most potent ingredients, it is commonly used in medicine, cooking, and beauty regimens. In the case of medicine, honey has been known to enhance the medicinal value of products when mixed with other herbal preparations. It is also a favorable ingredient in cooking because raw honey does not spoil and can be stored way past its expiration date when stored properly.

In the case of skin care, honey continues to be one of the most popular ingredients in many products like Aritaum. The reason for this enduring popularity is that time and time again numerous studies and research has proven its effects without delay and is great for all skin types.

Here are some amazing benefits that your skin can enjoy from raw honey:

Moisturizes the skin

People who have dry skin tend to need extra hydration to keep their face from peeling and flaking out. Dry skin is also a precursor to wrinkles which can easily form because there is less hydration in the skin. To prevent this, using moisturizers with honey as a key ingredient can help target this main problem since they can easily permeate through the skin’s barrier, ensuring that it hydrates the body from the inside out.

Cleans the pores

Honey is also a natural antibacterial area that can be used to cleanse pores and get rid of blackheads. For a DIY pore cleanser, combine one teaspoon of raw honey with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Mix well and apply gently on the face. Keep this mask on for a a few moments before rinsing it off with cold water.

Exfoliates and brightens the skin

Aside from minimizing pores, raw honey can also be used to slough off dead skin cells that stick to the surface, revealing youthful and glowing skin underneath. This is especially useful for people with sensitive skin who are looking for organic exfoliator. While allergy to honey is rare, it’s still important to run a patch test on your skin to see if there are any reactions just to be safe. For an effective exfoliant, combine a teaspoon of honey with one tablespoon of baking sugar or organic sugar. Mix in a small jar and apply on your face using your fingertips. Massage the exfoliant by moving your hands in small gentle circles and wash off with cold water after a minute.

Lightens scars

Honey is jam-packed with antioxidants that help promote faster healing and lightens scars left by previous injuries. For an effective scar lightening solution, mix one tablespoon of raw organic honey with the same amount of coconut or olive oil. Apply this solution to the affect area and massage gently unto skin for two minutes. Place a warm washcloth over your skin and let it sit until it cools off. Repeat this application for a week or two to see a significant change in your skin tone.

Fights against Acne and Pimples

Some of us get the occasional blemish like a pimple every now and then which can be frustrating to deal with. Considering that honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, people who have sensitive skin may want to look for cleansers that contain honey as a key ingredient as they can easily clear out any blockages in our pores while simultaneously hydrating our skin, making sure that we do not lose any of our skin’s natural oils.


Provides Anti-ageing benefits


As a natural anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and moisturizer, honey is a popular ingredient in many DIY face masks and face sheets that target against the first signs of ageing. This includes wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy areas on the skin that often make us look older than we really are.


Final Thought


When it comes to ranking popular skin care ingredients, organic honey is considered one of the most popular items included and has been proven to be effective for over thousands of years. While there are seemingly limitless benefits of honey that can be applied to our skin and hair, we still need to take proper precautions by making sure that we only use raw, organic honey for DIY treatments. The reason for this is because artificial honey or honey-flavored syrup contains sugar and other unhealthy fats that are not only irritating to the skin but can clog up our pores significantly.

Ellie Dickinson