Did you know these facts about cancer?

The big C word: cancer. It’s a word that evokes terror and absolute fear into every one of us. Whether you’re frightened of developing it yourself, or you’re terrified of losing a loved one to this unforgivable disease, cancer is often considered the worst-case scenario. 

There are many different causes of cancer, some of which are genetic, others which are lifestyle-related, linked to our environments and even occupational factors can play a part. Click here to find out more about stage 4 lung cancer symptoms. However, even though all of us know someone who has been affected by this terrible disease (or one of its many variations) there is still a lot of misinformation out there. Which is why I've gathered some simple, yet straightforward facts about cancer that everyone should know.

It’s not contagious 

Believe it or not, there are still many people who believe that cancer is contagious. It's these kinds of opinions that lead to terrible prejudice and even shunning of people already suffering from cancer. Cancer is not infectious in any way. Whether you're touching someone or sleeping with them, sharing food or breathing near them, you simply cannot "catch" cancer from someone else. 

However, some diseases can be transmitted to others which can then lead to the development of cancerous cells if left untreated. Such as Hepatitis B or C. 

You may not lose your hair

Cancer won't make you lose your hair. However, the treatment you may undergo to fight cancer may lead to hair loss. Chemotherapy, in particular, is extremely damaging to hair follicles which leads to hair loss on the head and even the eyebrows, eyelashes and other body hair. The amount of hair loss is probably determined by the length of your treatment, which is why many cancer patients opt to shave their heads and wear hairpieces instead. 

This isn’t the end

It's easy to see cancer as a death sentence. And your chances of survival may vary due to the severity of your cancer and how far it has spread. However, these days survival rates are increasing and thanks to campaigns and raising awareness as well as thorough tests and examinations designed to spot the warning signs of cancer, it's more likely that your chances of surviving are greatly increased. 

Alternative treatments may help

There are still ongoing studies about the uses of alternative therapies and how they can help with cancer. Where they may not be able to cure cancer, when used alongside conventional treatments there are some positive results regarding herbal medicines, acupuncture or even massages and how they can ease the side effects of cancer. However, it’s always best to speak with your doctor before trying anything classed as an alternative therapy. 

If you have any questions or queries regarding cancer, then reach out to your doctor. 

Ellie Dickinson