Posts tagged christmas
The No Gift Gift Guide

Wait, what?

A no gift gift guide?

If you're a follower of my blog, then you'll probably be aware of my minimalism journey that I've been going on. After months of decluttering, it's safe to say that the idea of Christmas is ever so slightly off putting (and I know that there are probably others who feel the same way!). So I've put together a gift guide that is perfect for either someone who just doesn't need anything or for the person who is too hard to buy for.

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The Christmas Gift Guide for Her (Under £50)

It's that time of year. The time of year where your twitter feed is probably inundated by about one thousand different gift guides. And to be honest, I was unsure whether I actually wanted to put together a gift guide at all. But instead, I've put together just one physical gift guide - which hopefully should be ideal for any Secret Santas or gifts for those close to you. But if you, like me, are on a minimalist journey, watch this space for experience based gifts...

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You Magazine Beauty Advent Calendar 2017

The only Christmassy thing I'm willing to let slip through the net at this time of year are Beauty Advent calendars because let's be honest, they all sell out before any "normal" person considers an advent calendar. But it's for a good reason - mainly because most of the calendars are worth far more than their upfront cost. So let's break one of my favourite calendars (and the only one I've been able to get my mitts on).

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