Avoid the Typical British Summer Skin Problems

It’s hard to believe that summer is here. The weather has been middling at best, and most people are still hanging onto long sleeve jumpers and jeans. Rainy days and wind have become a summer routine this year, so it’s fair to say that your bright and airy wardrobe may still be lying untouched at the back of the closet. 

Nevertheless, there are still occasional moments of sunshine and warmth. While waiting for hotter days, these brief sunny appearances will have to make do. You can still wear your favourite summer dress and suck up the brief heat while it lasts. Just make sure to pack a raincoat and a jumper in case!

This kind of weather can be just as dangerous as a hot summer day. In fact, you could just as much get sunburned or struggle with regular summer skin problems. So here are some important tips to make the most of this hot British summer.

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Never without sunscreen protection

Yes, even if the temperatures don’t even reach the late 20 degrees, it doesn’t mean your skin is any safer in the sun. Safeguarding your skin requires daily protection throughout the year, regardless of the weather. As such, you still want to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion with a sun protection factor (SPF for short) of at least 30. 

The reason why sunscreen is essential even now is because both UVA and UVB rays, which are linked to sunburn, premature ageing, and the risk of cancer, shine. As a rule of thumb, you want to reapply protection every 2 hours, especially if you are spending a lot of time outdoors. 

Don’t let the cloudy weather fool you. You may still get skin damage or even a sunburn without a heatwave. 

Cheat with fake tan

Caucassian Brits are familiar with the discomfort of exposing pale arms and legs at the end of the winter. Yet, don’t let it convince you to skip sunscreen protection. The safest and easier way to look healthy and sun-kissed this summer is to buy a self tan lotion. This will give you the much needed summery glow without any of the risks of prolonged sun exposure.

An important reminder about self tanners is that they do not provide any protection against AV rays. As such, you want to make sure you are still wearing sunscreen protection over your spray or mousse tan. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to allow at least 12 hours after tanning before applying sunscreen.  

Avoid shaving

Shaving is one of the quickest and more convenient hair removal methods. But as you expose your legs more frequently in summer, micro cuts in the skin can become easily infected. You want to consider alternative hair removal methods that would break the skin, such as waxing, or even laser hair removal. Bear in mind that some methods will require long-term planning, especially if you wish long-lasting hair removal. 

If you are using chemical creams, do make sure to remove hair in the evening so your skin can rest before being exposed on the next day. 

This summer is unlike others. It is cool, cloudy, and frequently rainy. Yet, if you are going to make the most of brief sunny moments, you want to take preventive measures to keep your skin safe.

Ellie Dickinson