10 facts about car accidents you might not know

For most motorists, the idea of being involved in a car accident is incredibly frightening. However, it doesn’t stop us from getting behind the wheel and driving. Car accidents happen for a lot of reasons, and they can happen at any time. So, how can we protect ourselves from them? 

By being vigilant, by not drinking and driving and being wary of other drivers is always a good place to start – click here if you’re looking for a car accident lawyer. However, we’ve also compiled a list of 10 facts about car accidents that you might not know. 

Most accidents happen near home

Surprisingly, most car accidents happen when the victims are close to home. It's easy to imagine that most incidents occur whilst the drivers are somewhere completely new, however, statistics show that isn't always the case. Perhaps it's complacency or overconfidence, but most car crashes occur within 3 miles of the driver’s home.

Most common causes of accidents

Crashes happen for lots of reasons, the main ones being distracted driving, drunk driving, fatigue, road conditions. Sadly, many accidents are perfectly avoidable.

Most dangerous kind of crash

Did you know that the most dangerous kind of crash is one where the vehicle rolls over? These types of accidents are often fatal due to passengers being ejected from their seats and suffering catastrophic injuries. If you’re involved in a serious accident, you could always consider hiring a truck accident lawyer who will be able to assist with the legalities of any accidents.

Most common injuries

The most common injury sustained in a car crash is whiplash. Other damages include broken ribs, knee trauma, cuts and lacerations, head injuries and spinal injuries.

Fatal accidents involve alcohol

Most fatal accidents usually involve the driver being over the limit having consumed too much alcohol.

Weekend nights are the most common time for accidents

Most fatal accidents occur at night during the weekend. Usually when people are enjoying a drink, or are out late. Visibility is reduced, drink driving is more likely and distracted driving is also common.

Wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of death

Wearing a seatbelt during a crash will probably save your life. They keep you in position for the airbags to deploy and prevent you from being ejected from the car.

Males are more likely to crash than females 

Sorry guys! It's statistically proven. Males are more likely to drink-drive or become involved in an accident than females. 

6 million car accidents a year in the US

It’s a huge number and it continues to rise.

Using a smartphone increases the likelihood of a crash by 400%

Again, distracted driving is responsible for a huge amount of crashes each year. Leave your smartphone alone! 

Ellie Dickinson