Recipe for a Festive Destress


This time of year is almost always chaotically busy. Amongst the build up to Christmas is the time spent trying to catch up with friends, as well as coping with a combination of colder weather and darker days. And during this time, it can be more difficult than ever to find a moment for yourself. Hopefully I’m not the only one, but this time of year is potentially the most tiring and draining part of the year… (Introvert alert) – so it’s more important than ever to make sure that you’re able to destress and take time for yourself – even if that involves a hefty amount of essential oils to scent the space. 

A moment of calm

 A key part for destressing is having a bath or a shower and following that with plenty of calm. I love using aromatherapy body oils to really help myself to switch off and feel much calmer. This always feels a bit more like a treat compared to a normal bath or shower – boujie but worth it.

Utilise your environment.

I’m not one of those people who can chill out in a messy room – instead of being able to relax in a chaotic room, I find myself working out what needs to be done to keep it tidy. I would always suggest spending a bit of time to quickly tidy before then kicking back and relaxing. It’ll be worth it.

Scent the space.

I find that fragrance has a massive impact on how I’m feeling so at this time of year I always take full advantage of my essential oil diffuser – switching between Christmassy scents or calming fragrances like vetiver and lavender. It makes such a difference!

How do you destress at this time of year? Do you thrive off seeing people or do you need time to yourself like me? Let me know in the comments!

Ellie Dickinson