How To Explore Off the Beaten Track

Most of us would love to go off the beaten track and explore the lesser-known corners of our rather extraordinary planet. However, it can be much easier said than done. It can seem scary and expensive, which is enough to put a lot of people off. Here, we look at how to plan your ‘off the beaten track’ vacation. 

First of all, it is important to remember that what is defined as off the track can differ greatly from one person to the next. For you, it might be discovering a hidden spot, visiting somewhere new, or having an experience of some sort. It is about not blindly following the guide book or the Instagram influencers, and really engaging and connecting to your travel experience. It also does not necessarily have to mean going somewhere remote or the wilderness.

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Rent a vehicle

Public transport is a wonderful thing, but it can be very limiting. They are generally only going to go to the normal tourism, residential, and business areas, and anything outside of these is often completely overlooked or bypassed. By taking the opportunity to rent your car, you can go to just about anywhere you want, on your own timeline. You are not limited by bus timetables or where the nearest bus stop is.

Consider traveling solo

Traveling to a brand new location on your own can seem pretty daunting. It is pretty daunting! There are some safety precautions that you need to take, including having a fully charged mobile phone on you and letting people know where you are going, but if you have the opportunity to travel by yourself, do it. You are not being restricted by someone else’s wants or requirements and can fulfill your own dreams and expectations, some of which can be hard to do with another person in tow. 

Go slow

Quite understandably, if someone only has a limited amount of time, they are probably going to stick to the conventional travel and tourism routes so that they can see as much as possible in little time. However, if time is not restricting you, slow down. Sure, visit those top tourist destinations but look just outside of them too - this is often where you can find some real hidden treasures. Going slow also gives you much more time to do your research and make decisions based on what you have already seen and want to see.

Talk to the locals

No one knows the local area quite like the locals. They know the best places to visit, the best times to see certain things, where to eat and so on.  It also gives you a real inkling into the culture and way of living of the area that you are visiting - and there really is no greater travel experience than that.


Visiting areas off the beaten track can be a little overwhelming and it might be difficult to know where you should start. However, once you have got the bug for exploring, you will find it hard to shake off.

Ellie Dickinson