The Fountain of Youth: Can Exercising Contribute to a Youthful Appearance?

No adult wants to look older than they really are. Very few people actually want to look at their true age. Most people would prefer to appear younger. Well, there is a way to do this, although not everyone will be willing to put in the effort involved. The key to looking young even as you get older is regular exercise.

Exercise Increases Muscle

One of the first things exercise can do is increase the amount of muscle you have. As people age, they tend to lose muscle, so maintaining muscle mass or increasing the amount you have can make you appear younger. Having more muscle helps increase your metabolism as well, meaning you'll be able to eat more while still maintaining a healthy weight, which is an added bonus. To get the most from exercise, however, you have to do it regularly. Find a class you like or work with a trainer to get a program in place. You can see more at Strength training is the most effective way to increase muscle. Just keep in mind that this only works if you actually increase the amount you are lifting as you get stronger.

Exercise Keeps Skin Looking Young

The skin is one of the first places people start to show their age. It tends to develop wrinkles and start to sag as people get older. When testing older people's skin, the inner layers tend to be thinner, while the top layer tends to be thicker and drier. There's also less collagen to help keep the skin firm. Exercise can help minimize the aging process in the skin. A study found that people who exercised had skin with a similar composition to younger individuals even if they were older and hadn't been exercising regularly for their whole lives. Study participants achieved at least some beneficial results exercising just three hours per week. Of course, other factors, such as sun exposure and diet, also play roles, so exercise won't cure all skin problems. But, why not give it a try and see if you notice an improvement?

Exercise Reduces Stress

Another potential anti-aging benefit of exercise is the fact it helps to reduce stress. It's no myth that being stressed makes you age more quickly and look older. There's scientific research to back up this theory. Any type of exercise can be helpful when it comes to relieving stress, so don't worry if you're not a fan of yoga. However, yoga does provide stress relief while helping to make you stronger and more flexible as well as improving your balance, so it's a good choice. It can also be easier on your body than some other types of exercise, making it a good choice for beginners or people who haven't exercised regularly in a while. Just make sure to choose a class for beginners.

Now that you know about the potential anti-aging benefits of exercising, what are you waiting for? Those who aren't already exercising should check with their doctors to make sure the new program they're planning on implementing is safe for them. But, otherwise, there's no reason not to get started right away. It can be as simple as taking a walk, going on a bike ride, or performing a bodyweight workout in your living room.


Ellie Dickinson