How You Can Get That Million-Dollar Smile You’ve Always Wanted


Each of us has different actions and behaviours that have a massive impact on interactions. No matter how big or small the conversation or instance is, our body language can make or break the situation. Something that can have a big impact on things like first impressions and negotiations is a person’s smile. Now, everyone has a beautiful smile, of course, but many tend not to utilize it when they could. Whether it’s due to their confidence or their overall outlook, they’ll opt for a more stone-faced approach. 

When it comes to our smiles, we all deserve to be happy with what we have. Unfortunately, however, not everyone is. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight, and just doing the action actually makes us feel so much better about whatever situation we’re in. You’d think everyone would be doing it as much as possible then, huh? 

Well, whether you want to impress the person you like, whether you want to close the sale you’ve been pushing for a while, or whether you just want to have that golden look, you might want to do a little work. Here are a few things you can do in order to gain that million-dollar smile:    

Don’t Even Think About It

This is kind of counterintuitive and slightly contradictory, but one of the best ways you can have a beautiful smile is by having the most natural look. When people try too hard or fake it, then it’s very easy to see right through it. A disingenuous look isn’t one that goes with a gorgeous and natural smile. If you just go with the flow of a conversation and react to what you’re hearing, then your facial muscles will do a lot of the work for you. It’s a lot healthier regarding every aspect of your life is you just act natural and don’t overthink. The worries you have about your smile probably vanish if you just be yourself. 

Approach People With A Confident Demeanour 

This kind of thing might take a little practice at home and a little experience, but the way in which you present yourself sets the tone for almost everything else that follows. Body language is such a big part of interacting with another person. If you have an awkward demeanour, then everything else will probably come across as awkward, too. Thus, your smile will be a little forced. Do your best to approach everyone and everything with the same attitude – shoulders: back; head: up, smile: beaming!

Play Around With Your Teeth 

If you want your mind to be at ease immediately, then getting work done is a sure-fire way of achieving that. If your teeth literally look better to you, then you’re going to have no problem with showing them off to everyone else. If you have a few flaws (let’s face it; we all do) with your teeth, then you might be more inclined to keep your mouth shut a lot more. Getting them whitened, getting ceramic braces put in your mouth, or contouring your teeth could add that much-needed confidence and, thus, that million-dollar smile. 

Ellie Dickinson