5 Genius Ways To Pay For Your Next Trip Overseas!


The current pandemic means traveling abroad isn't possible for most people right now. However, we can still scratch that wanderlust itch by planning and saving for our next trip. There are even some genius ideas on how to find the money to fund overseas adventures in my post below.

Cut your everyday costs.

A fancy coffee here and a copy of Vogue there may not seem like a big expense, but it can add up over time. Indeed, when you add all of these small costs together for the year, you will be gobsmacked by how much you spend. 

The key here is making disciplined choices in line with what we value, and squirreling that money away for later use.  After all, there are few of us with wanderlust running through our veins that would pick a coffee or a magazine over an adventure abroad. 

Get a guarantor loan.

Another fantastic way to raise a large sum of money for an overseas trip, fast is to get a loan. In particular, a loan is an ideal option for those of us whose departure date is fast approaching, but our budgets are still looking a little slim. 

Unfortunately, getting a loan can be tricky, especially if you already have a poor credit rating. The good news is that you can get around this hassle by using Buddy Loans or a service like them. The benefit of this is that your loan is guaranteed by a friend. Therefore, even those usually seen as high-risk will be considered. 

Startup a side hustle.

Most avid travellers would agree that getting to explore the world is worth a little extra work in between trips. Of course, the most effective, and often enjoyable way to do this is to start up a side hustle business. That is a second income stream. 

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The best thing about a side hustle is that you can pick something that you enjoy doing and monetise it. For example, you may wish to have a go at travel blogging and accept adverts and paid posts on your site. Then you get to talk all about your adventures while helping to pay for them at the same time! 

Ask for money instead of gifts. 

Another brilliant way to save the money you will need for your next trip is to ask for gifts of cash instead of items for celebrations such as Christmas and birthdays. You can build up quite the nest egg by doing this. You may also be able to get friends to add money to the balance of a disposable credit card you can use while you are away, even if they aren't so keen on giving cash. 

Work when you get there.

Finally, if you can't get together all the money for your trip before you go, it's a smart idea to arrange some paid work once you get there. The good news is there are all sorts of jobs on offer, from teaching English to bar work. Spend some time researching what would suit you best and arranging a post before you go to save stress and hassle once you arrive. 

Ellie Dickinson