Experiencing the world of online dating


The world of online dating is a whole new experience for us all. Whether you choose to use a dating app or are going through an online dating platform, it's a whole new world - especially if you're faced with lockdown restrictions. In this post I want to talk about not only the benefits of online dating (if you're a newbie), but also some fun online dating ideas to try out if you're adhering to lockdown rules and such. You're in for a doozy so buckle up...

New to online dating? Honestly, I can't think of anyone I know who hasn't been on a dating app or website at some point. Whether it's intentional or just for an ego boost, there is a whole world of opportunity - especially if you're willing to broaden your field and potentially travel a little bit for someone. But of course, if you're wanting to stick to your area, you could always try an area-specific site such as Strathclyde Dating. But online dating can be great as it not only gives you a chance to meet people you might not stumble across in real life but it means you get to feel out someone's vibe before going on a potentially tragic date... Because let's face it, it's so much easier to not reply to a message than sit through an awkward date if things aren't going well...

Trying out online dating? Whether you've tried a regional dating site like Strathclyde Dating or a mainstream app like Bumble or Tinder - you've swiped right and left to your heart's content and you've found someone you're interested in. You've confirmed they're not a catfish and you're vibing - but to keep commitment levels low, you've decided to have an online date first. I get you - sometimes it's easier over webcam first... But don't just try and swap an in real life to online - try and pick something to keep you both busy.

With the world closed down, there's so much to do online whether that's watching Netflix together over Netflix Party or choosing an online escape room - make sure you're not just sat there staring into each other's eyes - keep occupied. That way, if you ever have an awkward moment or you're not vibing, you'll be distracted enough to not worry because you'll be doing something. I'm always a fan of a first in person date involving some sort of activity anyway so try and find an online option.

There are so many online experiences perfect for making that online first date as un-awkward as possible - and once you find someone you're into, it's so much easier to find something to do in person that works. If you're not a fan of high-pressure situations, an online date could be the solution for you as it means you're not having to be awkward in front of someone (which we know is the worst part). Have you ever tried online dating? If you have, have you tried an online date? Got any online dating suggestions? Let me know in the comments!

Ellie Dickinson